// source --> https://computerrepairseattle.biz/wp-content/plugins/thumbs-rating/js/general.js?ver=4.0.1 function thumbs_rating_vote(ID, type) { // For the LocalStorage var itemName = "thumbsrating" + ID; var container = '#thumbs-rating-' + ID; // Check if the LocalStorage value exist. If do nothing. if (!localStorage.getItem(itemName)){ // Set HTML5 LocalStorage so the user can not vote again unless he clears it. localStorage.setItem(itemName, true); // Set the localStorage type as well var typeItemName = "thumbsrating" + ID + "-" + type; localStorage.setItem(typeItemName, true); // Data for the Ajax Request var data = { action: 'thumbs_rating_add_vote', postid: ID, type: type, nonce: thumbs_rating_ajax.nonce }; jQuery.post(thumbs_rating_ajax.ajax_url, data, function(response) { var object = jQuery(container); jQuery(container).html(''); jQuery(container).append(response); // Remove the class and ID so we don't have 2 DIVs with the same ID jQuery(object).removeClass('thumbs-rating-container'); jQuery(object).attr('id', ''); // Add the class to the clicked element var new_container = '#thumbs-rating-' + ID; // Check the type if( type == 1){ thumbs_rating_class = ".thumbs-rating-up"; } else{ thumbs_rating_class = ".thumbs-rating-down"; } jQuery(new_container + thumbs_rating_class ).addClass('thumbs-rating-voted'); }); }else{ // Display message if we detect LocalStorage jQuery('#thumbs-rating-' + ID + ' .thumbs-rating-already-voted').fadeIn().css('display', 'block'); } };